Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thank you for my new notebook

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Chosun and Ravi for one of the most fabulous gifts I have ever received - my new notebook - from which I am writing this very blog!

We sold Chosun and Ravi's Jamaica Beach house this year - since they have moved to the C.S. (that's College Station for all the non-Aggies or non-"O.C" watchers out there) and are now "plus 1" (baby Jin just turned 3 months old this week!), they were looking to unload the house and pursue Ravi's path to M.D. stardom. To which, I might add, he is already well on his way.

And this was their gift to me. I can't even say how awesome this is, so I'll let this picture do it for me:

(Thanks, guys - many a listing presentation will be made from this gem!)

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